Considering CAA MyPace? Here’s Everything You Should Know!

What To Know About CAA MyPace Program 

Driving is a necessary activity in just about every Ontario community, but depending on your lifestyle, your driving needs may be minimal. For instance, if you work from home or take transit to commute to work, you may only need to drive a couple of times a week to run errands to attend social events. Or maybe you chose to live in the same neighbourhood as the rest of your family, preventing the need to drive long distances whenever you want to visit them. If you don’t drive much or very far, you may be a great candidate for the CAA MyPace car insurance program. 

The professional insurance brokers at Morison Insurance want you to have the insurance coverage you need when driving, and if you are a low-mileage driver, CAA MyPace insurance may be a great fit for you. We’ve assembled these frequently asked questions about the CAA MyPace program to help you get a better understanding of whether this insurance program would be a good fit for you, and we welcome any questions you may have about how it works and your eligibility for it. 

What Is The CAA MyPace Program? 

MyPace is a telematics insurance program from CAA Insurance Company, which is a type of auto insurance program in which Ontario drivers’ driving habits are monitored through the plug-in CAA MyPace device and a smartphone app. The app records information on how far you drive, and so long as you drive less than the annual program limit, you will likely enjoy discounted vehicle insurance costs. 

Keep in mind that CAA MyPace is for low-mileage drivers, with a cap of 12,000 km driven annually. If you believe you will go over this limit, you will likely be better off with a traditional vehicle insurance policy. Please be sure to clearly communicate your driving habits with your Morison Insurance broker to help you determine if CAA MyPace is right for you. 

How Does CAA MyPace Work? 

CAA MyPace works by having users enroll in the program, where they will need to pay their base rate and the first 1,000 km. You can also choose to pay the base payment in monthly installments. However, as you pay based on the mileage you drive, there isn’t a standard insurance premium like with a traditional auto insurance policy. 

Then, you will receive a device in the mail that you will need to plug into your vehicle while driving, and you will need to download the CAA MyPace mobile app from your smartphone’s app store. After you download the CAA MyPace app, you will be asked to add your insurance policy number if you haven’t already linked your account to the program. Additionally, when you initially connect the device to the new vehicle, it will check to make sure it is compatible with the vehicle. Make sure to check with your insurance broker to ensure vehicle compatibility. 

The app will record your driving information and allows you to monitor your usage on it. You will also be able to view your usage on your online CAA account. With the app setup and the plug-in installed, all you need to do now is drive. Once you’ve hit the 950 km mark or that set, CAA will automatically load and charge you for the next 1,000 for you, up until the program’s 12,000 km limit. Should the year end before you use up all the kilometers you’ve paid for, they will roll over into the next year. 

Who Can Benefit from CAA MyPace? 

The CAA MyPace program is geared towards low-mileage drivers who drive less than 12,000km/year. Basically, the less you drive, the more you can save on your vehicle insurance. 

The reason behind CAA MyPace insurance cost savings is simple: the fewer kilometers you drive, the less likely the chances you will get into an accident. For example, let’s say you work from home and only really use your car to run errands or visit friends/family in the same city as you. Why should you pay as much for your vehicle insurance as someone who does hour-long commutes during their work week and goes off on day trips every other weekend? This is where programs like CAA MyPace benefit you, as you are only paying for the kilometers you drive, effectively rewarding your less frequent driving habits. 

If you are unsure if CAA MyPace will work for you, contact the CAA insurance brokers at Morison Insurance who will help you make the right decision for your specific needs.  

Will Using CAA MyPace Provide Me With a Discount On Car Insurance? 

With CAA MyPace, the less you drive, the more you save. While it cannot be combined with the CAA Connect telematics program, which rewards good driving habits, at this time, you can still enjoy all the other CAA Insurance auto policy discounts that are compatible with the CAA MyPace policy. 

Make sure to speak to your Morison Insurance broker about what possible insurance discounts you may be eligible for if you want a more affordable quote for CAA MyPace. 

How Does CAA MyPace Device And App Track My Mileage? 

As a telematics and UBI program, CAA MyPace tracks your driving mileage through its device and smart app. 

The CAA MyPace device works by using an onboard GPS antenna and accelerometer to measure trip data. At the end of each trip, this data is updated on the device. Please note that in locations such as underground parking or other places where there is weak or no signal, the updating process may take longer and will come through when the CAA MyPace device experiences a clear signal. 

In addition to your mileage information, the CAA MyPace device also collects information on: 

  • The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) 
  • If your device is connected or has been disconnected 
  • Time and date of use 
  • Your vehicle’s location, or GPS location 
  • Any diagnostic information about the vehicle 
  • How fast you drive and the accelerometer data 

This data is routed through their service provider and stored at CAA Insurance and will not be disclosed or transferred to third parties except as outlined in the CAA MyPace terms and conditions. You can access this data on your CAA MyPace app or online CAA membership portal. Please speak to your Morison Insurance if you have any concerns.  

While the CAA MyPace device may be removed if you are taking the vehicle in for servicing or emissions testing, after the vehicle is returned to you, you must ensure that it is properly reinstalled. You can tell if the CAA MyPace device has been installed properly because the device will light up briefly once successfully installed, and it will also be lit up when transferring information. 

The device must be plugged into the OBDII port during the policy period, and frequent removal of it from your vehicle may lead to you being removed from the CAA MyPace Program. If you need technical support for the device, please contact CAA’s technical support team. 

If you have any concerns about your CAA MyPace program data or believe it is showing incorrect data on trips registering on your CAA MyPace app, reach out to your insurance broker or contact CAA’s technical support team. 

What Types Of Information Can I Get From The CAA MyPace App?  

On the CAA MyPace app’s dashboard, program participants will be able to view information on how many kilometers they have driven, their vehicle description, recent trip data, and their full trip history. 

Other types of information available for viewing by accessing the app’s menu include important notifications, payment history, device alert(s), your personal app settings, and other information about the CAA MyPace program. You will also receive email notifications providing up-to-date information on your mileage uses. 

You will need to contact CAA or your insurance broker if you have any questions or concerns about your usage history, payment options or for technical support for both the CAA MyPace app and your device. 

How Can I Get CAA MyPace Auto Insurance? 

Joining the CAA MyPace program is easy: just contact the expert brokers at Morison Insurance! As your vehicle insurance experts, we want you to have the financial protection you need when driving and can provide you with the expert advice you need along with comprehensive insurance options to suit every type of driver in Ontario. Whether you drive maybe twice a month or stick to your community’s boundaries, we’ll let you know if CAA MyPace is a good insurance option for you! 

Give your Morison Insurance broker a call at 1-800-463-8074, or request an insurance quote online, to learn how you can benefit from participating in CAA MyPace. 

This content is written by our Morison Insurance team. All information posted is merely for educational and informational purposes. It is not intended as a substitute for professional advice. Should you decide to act upon any information in this article, you do so at your own risk. While the information on this website has been verified to the best of our abilities, we cannot guarantee that there are no mistakes or errors.

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