Why Do You Need Business Insurance?

Why Get Business Insurance?

Businesses may have a variety of assets such as vehicles, office space and equipment, inventory, employees, a partner and, most importantly, yourself. To protect these assets and to protect your business from potential risks, you should consider getting insurance.

Could your business continue to operate if problems such as the loss of a key person occurs or there is a disaster at office or business premises? What if your inventory is damaged in a flood or fire makes it impossible to carry on with your business? The right business insurance can make things manageable if problems such as these arise. Morison Insurance can provide insurance for your earnings and property as well as liability insurance. Below is some general information about business insurance for contractors and tradespeople, farm operations and automobiles used in a commercial operation.

Also important is liability insurance. No matter how careful you are, mistakes can happen. You, your employees, your equipment or your suppliers could end up hurting your customers, your employees or other people who are involved with your business. To limit your liability, you should also have liability insurance for your business. Consider general liability, product liability, professional liability and cyber liability insurance for your protection.

Our commercial insurance brokers will review your insurance needs and can provide insurance for your business. We will happily review your current policy to make sure you are getting the right insurance and we will shop at many of Canada’s best insurance companies to get you the best price.

Insurance for Contractors and Tradespeople

Whether you’re a general contractor, sub-contractor, tradesperson, or a home-based business owner, Morison Insurance can help you find an insurance policy that fits all your needs. Coverages range from contractors’ equipment, business interruption, coverage for employees and contents, just to name a few.

If you are an independent contractor specializing in one trade, a general contractor or a large corporate firm, Morison Insurance represents the most reputable insurers in Canada and will arrange comprehensive insurance coverage for all aspects of your construction business. We can provide coverage not only for the liability of your operations but for your truck or fleet of vehicles, your tools and equipment, rented equipment, your materials at job sites for installation, business interruption and a variety of extra expenses should a loss occur.

Did you know…. If you are a tradesperson working for a company with your own tools, your tools may not be covered by your employer’s insurance policy. Discussing this with your employer and understanding the terms and conditions of their commercial insurance policy is very important. Double-check to ensure you are covered! 

If you are looking for construction and contractors insurance, call Morison Insurance or click below for a quote.

Insurance for Your Commercial Automobiles

A commercial automobile or fleet policy is an insurance policy designed for the use of your vehicle or vehicles in a business rather than for personal use. Vehicles owned or used by the business or its employees on company business are included.

Our experienced Morison Insurance brokers know how to identify and manage many of the risk factors in your business and will translate that knowledge into an insurance package to meet your needs.

Did you know… as of January 1st, 2017 all tow truck drivers were required to obtain a Commercial Vehicle Operator’s Registration (CVOR) certificate regardless of the gross vehicle weight of the tow truck. Please see link for more details: http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/trucks/get-cvor-certificate-tow-trucks.shtml

Commercial General Liability Insurance

If you are in business, this is insurance you will want to have.
Commercial General Liability Insurance is the protection of business organizations against liability claims for bodily injury and property damage arising out of claims for bodily injury and property damage to third parties arising from your premises, operations, products and completed operations.

Insurance for Your Farm

Get locally-grown farm insurance from our experts. We have been insuring farms for more than 100 years. We know farm insurance.

Our farm experts at Morison Insurance can help you customize a policy tailored to your farming operations. No matter the size, we can insure it. We ensure cash crop farms, dairy farms, poultry and livestock farms, hobby farms, wineries and other specialty operations.
We cover livestock and produce, business and personal liability, residence and contents, machinery and equipment, barns and outbuildings, and loss of income.

 A few of our discounts include:

Claims-free discounts up to 20 %
Fleet and personal/farm discounts up to 10%
Deductible discounts up to 20%

This content is written by our Morison Insurance team. All information posted is merely for educational and informational purposes. It is not intended as a substitute for professional advice. Should you decide to act upon any information in this article, you do so at your own risk. While the information on this website has been verified to the best of our abilities, we cannot guarantee that there are no mistakes or errors.

Get In Touch
At Morison Insurance we represent dozens of Canada’s best insurance companies. We will shop to get you the best insurance for your individual needs.
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