25 Things You Need In Your Winter Emergency Car Kit

Winter Emergency Car Kit 

Winter driving. The two words can accelerate worry, distress, anxiety - maybe even abject fear - for almost any driver. Harsh winter road conditions can be dangerous to even the most experienced and skilled drivers. When snow is deep, roads are icy, and winds are gusting, winter driving can be difficult and dangerous. An item that can help dull those fears is a winter emergency car kit.  

Why Do You Need A Winter Emergency Car Kit? 

A good winter emergency car kit will prepare you to stay safe in case of winter driving problems or if you must spend longer than expected in your car. Road closures, slippery roads, icy conditions, and other winter-weather driving realities and mishaps can turn a winter drive into a nightmare. You may be able to solve some driving problems quickly by yourself, or a passerby may help you. Other times, however, you may be stranded in your car until police, a tow truck, or other emergency responders arrive to help. What if your vehicle's engine isn't working, and you have no heat? What if your vehicle spins out? 

There are plenty of scary what-ifs. For example, if your car breaks down on a remote winter road help may not be expected for hours. How will you stay warm? What will you eat? Will your phone run out of power? Your best bet to stay safe in these situations is preparation. Like the Scouts' motto: Be prepared. Pack a good winter emergency car kit and store it in your vehicle when the weather is comfortable. This kit has the needed emergency supplies to keep you and others safe during dangerous situations through the winter months in sub-zero and freezing temperatures until help arrives. 

What Do I Need In My Winter Emergency Car Kit? 

Your winter emergency car kit should include items that will keep you safe and warm in an emergency. You can assemble your winter car safety kit or buy a preassembled one. Winter emergency car kits are available from less than $100 to over $200. Generally speaking, the more you pay for a preassembled winter emergency car kit, the more additional items can be included. 

When assembling a winter emergency car kit, the items included should best suit the individual or family in the vehicle. If you're driving in urban areas, you likely won't have to wait long for help to arrive. If driving in rural or remote areas, it's best to pack a winter emergency car kit to keep you safe for many hours. You will want to stay warm, have food & water and be prepared to deal with minor health situations. Also, having materials to assist with fixing minor accidents, as well as visual identification, are important as well. 

1. Reflective Vest Or Triangle 

These items are essential during weather with heavy rain or snowfall. If dealing with outside car issues at night, an item with reflective material can get a passerby's attention and ensure you are seen during winter nights.  

2. Adhesive Tape 

Including a roll of duct or electrical tape in your winter emergency car kit is helpful in temporarily patching holes or attaching a loose item. A downfall of tape is that it loses some to all of its adhesive properties in colder temperatures, so use it accordingly. 

3. Small Tool Kit 

Having a small tool kit with frequently used sizes of wrenches and screwdrivers that are used on the vehicle is an excellent addition to your winter emergency car kit. Another option is an all-in-one multi-tool, which will take up less space. 

4. Small First Aid Kit 

A small first aid kit in your car all year round is good to have in case of injury or medical emergency. Items such as gauze, adhesive tape, pain reliever medication, antiseptic ointment, adhesive bandages, and any currently used medication are good. It's also best to ensure that everyone can use these basic aspects of the kit. 

5. Water 

Bottled water in your winter emergency car kit helps you and your family stay hydrated. Ensure the water bottles are correctly stored so the water will not freeze in the cold. 

6. Non-Perishable Food 

If you have to stay in your car for long periods, it is good to have non-perishable food items in your winter emergency car kit. Items such as granola bars, nuts, seeds, crackers and others are good options for emergency food. Confirm you are aware of any allergies before selecting the foods included in the kit. 

7. Flashlight & Spare Batteries 

Ensure you have a few flashlights and extra batteries in your winter emergency car kit. Flashlights are suitable as a light source for those inside the car and can also be used as a signal outside your car to warn other vehicles. Since batteries often wear down, it's important to also bring fresh batteries for this instance. Be sure to bring the right type of battery for the flashlight, as not every type will work. 

8. Cellphone Charger & Portable Power Bank 

A cell phone charger is essential in your winter emergency car kit to ensure your phone stays charged in an emergency. Equally important is a power charger bank to recharge cell phones as needed. If you can't run your car's engine, the power bank will allow you to charge your mobile phone and other similar items. It's also best to have everyone's phones and the power bank charged before you head out. 

9. Blankets 

While more significant, if you are alone for a long time, warm blankets will allow you to be more comfortable for a more extended period. Remember to bring enough blankets for everybody; the thicker they are, the better. 

10. Extra Clothing 

If your vehicle cannot run the engine for heat, having extra clothes like coats, socks, mittens, and hats will allow you to stay warmer in the cold weather. A good rule is to have larger sizes so they can be used on individuals of different sizes. Remember also that these should be winter wear: a spring jacket won't be enough; you need something heavy. 

11. Hand and Foot Warmer Packs 

Hand and foot warmer packets deliver quick and steady heat on demand: Shake to activate the packs before slipping them into your mitts or boots. These are very helpful in extremely cold situations, so include multiple packs in your winter emergency car kit.  

12. Toilet Paper 

While there's no need to panic buy toilet paper for your winter emergency car kit, a roll or two is always good to have for obvious hygienic reasons. 

13. Sleeping Bag 

There's the off chance that you'll be stuck for much longer than expected, so it's best to prepare and ensure you have something comfortable to sleep in. Even if you don't need to stay hunkered in overnight or sleep at any point, an extra layer will come in handy. 

What Other Items Should I Carry In My Vehicle? 

Having a winter emergency car kit is essential when travelling in your vehicle. However, other oversized items may not fit inside a standard winter emergency car kit. These items, while larger, are still essential and should also be kept in your vehicle for emergencies.  

14. Compact Snow Shovel 

A foldable shovel may be all you need to escape a snowdrift. A portable shovel can also be used to dig out from heavy snowfall. Remember, when you shovel, it's best to lift with your legs, avoid shovelling too much at once, and take breaks if needed. 

15. Windshield Brush / Ice Scraper 

A snow brush or ice scraper can help keep windows clear from dirt, debris, ice or snow. As these come in various sizes, ensure that the size purchased can adequately clean your vehicle.  

16. Abrasive Material 

Cat litter, sand or other gritty material is an excellent addition to any winter emergency car kit. These materials can be helpful if you need some extra traction under your tires during icy or slick conditions. 

17. Battery Booster 

A battery booster that is fully charged can help boost a dead battery. Ensure that the battery booster is fully charged before departing. 

18. Jumper Cables 

Jumper cables can be helpful to connect with a running vehicle and jump-start a dead battery. While some older car models may have included a set of jumper cables or booster cables, most current vehicles do not, so check before leaving. 

19. Fire Extinguisher 

While it might seem like a cold snowstorm would make it harder for a fire to start, this is not the case. Many of the most common causes of fire, including fuel leaks, electrical failures, overheated engines, collisions, and more, all have their odds increased by the hazardous conditions faced at this time of year. As a result, it's best to play it safe and keep a fire extinguisher as part of your winter emergency car kit. 

20. Jack & Spare Tire 

A jack and spare tire are helpful in the case of a flat tire. Remember that all vehicles do not necessarily come with one, so inspect for one before leaving. 

21. Tire Pump 

It might seem like you won't need a tire pump since you have a spare tire. However, what happens if more than one tire has problems? It's best to be ready for a situation like this by using a tire pump to fix minor issues that go wrong and saving your spare tire for situations where it's your only choice. 

22. Weather-Grade Windshield Washer Fluid 

A new, unopened container of windshield washer fluid is good if debris or dirt needs to be removed from your windshield. Including a spare set of windshield wipers is also a good idea if one gets broken or falls off.  

23. Tow Strap/Rope 

A tow strap/rope can be used if you need to be pulled out of a ditch or snowbank. When attaching a rope or tow to your vehicle, ensure it is connected to a strong piece of the vehicle, such as the frame, to avoid damaging it. 

24. Navigation Tools 

While in most cases, you likely know exactly where you're going, if you're going to a place further away, you may not know the exact details of every path you need to take. While a GSP is becoming standard equipment, it's important to also carry some old-fashioned physical maps in case of a case like the battery failing. 

25. Other Items 

Other items such as road flares, tire pressure gauges, medicine, and portable air compressors can be considered based on budget, vehicle size, and value-added. 

Where Do I Store A Winter Emergency Car Kit? 

Store the winter emergency car kit in your trunk or the vehicle's back seat with easy access. A duffle bag or storage container can be ideal when packing your winter emergency car kit. Once it is packed and stored, you can begin your journey. While your winter emergency car kit may not be used, the knowledge that it is available will allow you to complete your drive with confidence in your safety. 

Preparation Is Key 

The key is preparation. A winter emergency car kit will prepare you in case of road problems. Having your car winter-ready is also good preparation. Checking the weather forecast and determining if it is safe to go out on the roads or reschedule your outing is also good preparation. In closing, we hope your winter driving is without worries or problems. We hope you don't have to use your winter emergency car kit. May all your travels be safe 

This content is written by our Morison Insurance team. All information posted is merely for educational and informational purposes. It is not intended as a substitute for professional advice. Should you decide to act upon any information in this article, you do so at your own risk. While the information on this website has been verified to the best of our abilities, we cannot guarantee that there are no mistakes or errors.

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